Throughout the Biblical scriptures there is a tension between order and chaos. In the beginning, we read, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep. Then God said, let there be order. This order, it seems, was based on loving relationships; organic, kind, giving, creative, truthful relationships that was never meant to be disrupted. But they were. They were not completely terminated but they were infected by some kind of formless, disordered, destructive chaos.

For human beings this mysterious chaos appears to be exceptionally attractive and we apparently desire to understand it in order to control it. As if it could ever be controlled. Perhaps this desire is so strong within us because we believe that we need to master the chaos or we will simply be controlled by it. Hence, when the unimaginable happens we immediately attempt to gather as much information as possible to see whether the darkness behind the event is present also in our own lives or the lives of those around us.

In other words, it appears as if we believe that freedom from chaos must come from understanding its design, its order. Our modus operandi is thus predicated on the conviction that if only we could know what constitutes good order and evil chaos, then surely we could also know how to distinguish between the two. But what if chaos can never be comprehended; what if it does not have a design that can be understood. Then it will not matter how much effort we put in for the purpose of mastering it because it will always break our attempts apart from within.

In my understanding of the Biblical narrative this futile struggle of ordering chaos is constantly present in the stories it tells and the same is true in our own present day lives; in our religions, cultures, politics and so forth. The tension between order and chaos therefore makes the Bible appealing to me since it tells a story that I can relate my own existence to. Unfortunately, as I see it, many Christians do not accept this understanding and they therefore attempts to create one uniformed message out of the tension between order and chaos. My claim is that the theological understandings that results from such a violent reading of the Bible always will correspond to the building of worldly empires since both undertakings share the belief that chaos can be ordered by force.

I believe that the Bible unveils the truth about the way to a life in freedom but I do not imagine that this way is constructed out of ordered chaos, rather my faith is that the creator God sent his son Jesus Christ into this world of disorder and broken relationships for the purpose of sowing a seed of a new creation that is constituted by loving relationships; organic, kind, giving, creative, truthful and everlasting relationships.